Couples for Christ (CFC) is a servant and lay arm of the Roman Catholic Church in the work of family renewal & evangelization. It is committed to strengthening the bonds of a husband and wife by having Jesus Christ in their personal lives and in their marriage.
The CFC Family Ministries is Couples for Christ’s response to bring and share Christ to the other members of the family and thus build the Church of the Home. CFC Kids for Christ, CFC Youth for Christ, CFC Singles for Christ, CFC Handmaids of the Lord and CFC Servants of the Lord provide the support environment for all members of the family at every stage of their lives, helping them sustain and live out their faith while on this world.
The Vatican (Pontifical Council of the Laity) has granted CFC a decree of recognition as a Private International Association Of The Lay Faithful in accordance with Canons 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. Locally, CFC operates under the auspices of the Diocese of Raleigh Department for Catholic Formation and Evangelization, Office for Marriage and Family Life.
Who are we at Blessed Sacrament Parish?
Couples for Christ and CFC Family Ministries grow mainly by forming local units in different parishes. At Blessed Sacrament, we became a ministry in the first quarter of 2012. In May 5, 2012 the first local group called a "household" was formed from those who attended a Christian Life Program (CLP). New members have been added from the 2013 Fall CLP.
The household meet regularly to provide a small group setting for encouragement and mutual support in the Christian life. A typical gathering involves a time for praise and worship, prayer and a time for sharing or discussion. We listen to faith formation tracts, practice lectio divina and study the bible using Jeff Cavins'
"The Great Adventure Bible Study Series".
As each member of the household is empowered in their Christian life and their respective families are renewed, they form a network of equally committed families that not only support one another but also strengthen their parishes, their neighborhoods and communities.