Baptism is our birth as Christians, making us members of Christ: “We were all baptized into one Body... you are the Body of Christ and individually parts of it.” Though Baptism confers great gifts, it’s not a final stage in God’s generosity towards us - only a beginning. Thank you for deciding to have your child baptized, and initiating your child’s journey through life of faith.
Parents and Godparents are required to attend a preparation class for the sacrament of Baptism that is offered by the parish. The preparation includes an explanation of the theology of the sacrament, a run-through of the Rite itself, as well as an explanation of the Church’s requirements for the sacrament.
For Baptismal Preparation in English, please contact Martha Sanchez at 336-226-8796 for further information.
For Spanish Baptisms, please contact Patricia Matterson, 336-226-8796