Baptism is our birth as Christians, making us members of Christ: “We were all baptized into one Body... you are the Body of Christ and individually parts of it.” Though Baptism confers great gifts, it’s not a final stage in God’s generosity towards us - only a beginning. Thank you for deciding to have your child baptized, and initiating your child’s journey through life of faith. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a preparation class for the sacrament of Baptism that is offered by the parish. The preparation includes an explanation of the theology of the sacrament, a run-through of the Rite itself, as well as an explanation of the Church’s requirements for the sacrament. All baptisms must take place at the church.
For Baptismal Preparation in English, please contact Martha Sanchez at 336-226-8796 for further information. For Spanish Baptisms, please contact Patricia Matterson, 336-226-8796