Greetings from cloudy Pittsburgh! It's like in the low 80's here, and on the bus from the airport I kept hearing people complaining about the heat! Feels like winter to me!
Anyway, I'm here for the annual convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM). This year promises to be very interesting, as we all share our experiences with the implementation of the new Missal translation. I'm looking forward to a lot of good instruction by some of the best and brightest in sacred music and sacramental theology.
I'll try to keep everyone up-to-date each day, so check back in if you like.
This afternoon things kick off with a keynote address by Fr. Ronald Raab on the universal call to holiness. Then I'll be heading to a breakout session with Fr. Michael Joncas about finding deeper meaning in the prayers of the Missal. Might be catching the Pirates game this evening... I can see the stadium from my hotel :)