Making Arrangements
Our ministry is available for pre-planning or for immediate needs. One member or several family members should meet with our Ministry to plan the Funeral Mass here at the Church, as well as to coordinate the other events with the Funeral Home. We are here to help and support your family in every way possible.
Selections to be Made
You will be asked to pick a First and Second Reading, a Resposorial Psalm, a Prayer of the Faithful, and Hymns that will complement the selected readings.
Opportunities for Family Participation
There are several opportunities for family members to participate in the Funeral Mass. Some of those opportunities are: Placing of the Pall, Placing of Christian Symbol(s), Lectors, and Gift Bearers. The family members selected to be Lectors must have received all three sacraments, Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. They should be practicing their faith, and in good standing with the Church.
The Visitation or the Gathering after the burial is a more appropriate place for a Eulogy. Eulogies are not allowed during the Mass.