Every three years in August in cycle B of the church's lectionary we take a break for five weeks from Mark's Gospel and instead read through the sixth chapter of John's Gospel, called the "Bread of Life" discourse. It contains a rich theology of how Jesus nourishes us as his disciples, especially, as we believe as Catholics, through the Eucharistic banquet.
To distinguish and unify these five Sundays, we'll be repeating the Entrance Hymn "Risen Lord, We Gather Round You." I invite you to review the words below.
Verse 1 (identifies the disposition of God's people)
Risen Lord, we gather round you, Drawn by words forever new:
"Come, my people, all are welcome; Share the feast prepared for you!"
Empty hands and hearts that hunger, Christ, we bring to you today.
Here you feed us with your Body, Gift of love for which we pray.
Verse 2 (identifies who makes up God's people)
Sisters, brothers, stand beside us, Called from every land and race.
One the Bread of Life that feeds us, One the Cup of brimming grace.
Form us, Lord, a single body, Free from enmity and strife.
Jesus, by your resurrection, Fill us with the Spirit's life.
Verse 3 (identifies how we are nourished by Christ)
By the Loaf and Cup you offer, Strengthen us to follow you.
By your Body, risen, given, Heal us, Christ, and make us new.
Help us hear your urgent summons, Cutting through our fear of loss:
"Go, my people! Be my servants! Bear with me the waiting cross!"
Verse 4 (identifies the our mandate as disciples)
"Go where lives are bruised and broken; Go where children waste and blight.
Go among the lost, forgotten; Be for them my healing Light.
Take the Bread of Life I give you; Share it with a world in pain.
Go, my people! I am with you Till on earth my love shall reign!"