This weekend (July 7/8) we'll begin using our new hymnal, Gather Third Edition, published by GIA Publications in Chicago. These are beautiful, permanent hymnals that should serve our community well for at least a decade, hopefully even much longer. You can find out all kinds of information about the hymnal on the official website.
I did want to point out two very nice features:
First, right inside the front cover on the first page you can find a good number of those tricky prayers and responses that have changed with the new translation, especially the Nicene Creed and the Invitation to Holy Communion.
Second, the hymnals have a complete lectionary with all Sunday and Feast Day readings. This section is near the back and marked on the side. Each Day is assigned a hymnal number, and this will be indicated on the worship aid for you. You'll also notice that the lectionary section includes responsorial psalm refrains with music, as well as the verses. 95% of the time these will be the responses and verses we sing at Mass.
We are very excited to have this beautiful book in our pews, and hope that it will help our community participate fully in the liturgy for many years to come.