If you would like to request a prayer shawl, please call the parish office: 336-226-8796
The Praying Needles are a group of women who meet weekly at Blessed Sacrament in the Saint Francis Hall to make prayer shawls, lap robes, and hats, as well as scarves and gloves for chemotherapy patients. October of this year, 2015, marks our 10th anniversary. During the past decade we have made over 500 shawls and countless smaller items.
Our group consists of people who knit and/or crochet. Each woman brings her own unique gifts and talents. In addition to patterns and tips, we hsare love and friendship and new memebers are always welcome.
Anyone who is in need of comfort and prayer can receive a shawl or any other item, and anyone can do the presentation. Our items are not sacramentals. They are blessed only by the hands that make them and the prayers thay they contain. If you are in need or want to give someone one of our gifts, please contact:
Peg Contantine: 336-538-1781
Barbara James: 336-584-3244